I am absolutely craving working in oil paints. I'll explain:
This morning, I was thinking about the last time my work was in a gallery and realized it's been too long. My weekends have been full of Botany trips, Fungi lectures and forays, classes, and homework. It's been wonderful and I wouldn't trade these experience for anything else. I deeply miss gallery hopping and preparing for shows. As we start to emerge from the stresses of Covid-19, I think we'll start to find solace in the art that comes out of this era. I've let the gallery world slip away and I'm personally ready for some new growth back in that direction.
I was so motivated this morning to start a new 36" x 48" canvas of Prickly Pear Cactus. I could see the finished painting hanging in a gallery (yes, I even knew which gallery I wanted it in!). In fact, I planned a whole series of dune plant paintings and an accompanying lecture about dune ecosystem health. I have a vision for a few months worth of work, so I'll have to squeeze it in somehow. This intensity of inspiration rarely hits!